
My blog about treats and all things sweet…x

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Chocolate Cake (Chocolate Victoria Sponge)xx

My mum made a Chocolate Victoria Sponge & put strawberries & icing sugar on top.
I have to say it was delicious - with cream or ice cream its the bees knees!

She got the recipe from a book called 'Baking Book' by Good Housekeeping. 

This book has recipes for cakes, cupcakes, muffins, tray-bakes, cookies, biscuits, cheesecakes, tortes, non-bake cakes, tarts, pastries, breads, special occasion cakes & it shows what baking terms mean. 
I think its a great book.


  1. must buy that book - i love baking! I want to eat that cake, it looks so nice!!!

    ellasanpierno@gmail.com xxx

    1. the cake was delicious & you should it is a really good book xxx
